Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Is Gambling good or bad?

In Literature class we are doing debates. My groups subject is gambling and if it is good or bad. Some people think gambling is good because it provides jobs, can earn you money, is entertaining, exercises your brain, and all the taxes casinos have go to the economy. Some other people think that it is bad because you could lose a lot of money, become addicted, and have many health problems.
  So what do you think are you for or against gambling?

The Gift

Everyone loves gifts especially for their birthday, but when the gift is literally useless it's not all that fun.

       One hot summer day in July, I had just gotten out of the car because I went on a road trip with my cousins and had just started to unpack. I went to the trunk, got some bags then came back inside to put them down then went back to get more and came back inside like 5 more times. I checked my messages on my ancient old lady Samsung then I went outside to play basketball with my sister. A while later my mom called me inside. I ran in kind of annoyed because I had just went back outside and thought she wanted me to clean again or go put more stuff away. But to my surprise their was a bag on the couch. I slowly unwrapped the box anxious to see what was inside. It felt pretty heavy so I thought it was a laptop because it was pretty big but to my surprise as I slowly opened the box all excited I found that it was a..... BRICK! I was upset because I thought I would not get anything and even if I did it would be more bricks but to my surprise my dad came with another wrapped box smaller and lighter than the first. "Is it another brick?" I asked. "No" my dad said, "just open it" I unwrapped this one faster this time wanting to really see what it was. I ripped of the paper nervous yet excited at the same time I saw part of the box and tore off the rest of the rapping paper and it was an...... I PHONE! "Omg I love it I exclaimed!"  I was so excited and it made spending five minutes opening a brick worth it. I gave my brother the brick phone and in the end everyone was happy. 

Monday, November 30, 2015


I think that it's important to be reminded of all the good thing in life so since  next week is Thanksgiving I have decided to make a list of all of the things I am thankful for.

  • My family
  • My friends
  • My house
  • Nutella
  • Books
  • Movies
  • I Phone
  • Anything chocolate
  • Food in general
  • Sports
  • TV
  • WIFI
  • sleep
Besides being a 13 year old girl in America here comes the deep stuff the things I am truly thankful for and seriously can't live without.
  • The opportunity to go to school
  • A house
  • No war or violence going on where I live or at least none that I am aware of
  • A family that really cares about me 
  • Food 
  These are some of the things that I can think of now that I am thankful for and now that I listed a few things I would also like to know some of the things that you are thankful for in the comments down below HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!