Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Gift

Everyone loves gifts especially for their birthday, but when the gift is literally useless it's not all that fun.

       One hot summer day in July, I had just gotten out of the car because I went on a road trip with my cousins and had just started to unpack. I went to the trunk, got some bags then came back inside to put them down then went back to get more and came back inside like 5 more times. I checked my messages on my ancient old lady Samsung then I went outside to play basketball with my sister. A while later my mom called me inside. I ran in kind of annoyed because I had just went back outside and thought she wanted me to clean again or go put more stuff away. But to my surprise their was a bag on the couch. I slowly unwrapped the box anxious to see what was inside. It felt pretty heavy so I thought it was a laptop because it was pretty big but to my surprise as I slowly opened the box all excited I found that it was a..... BRICK! I was upset because I thought I would not get anything and even if I did it would be more bricks but to my surprise my dad came with another wrapped box smaller and lighter than the first. "Is it another brick?" I asked. "No" my dad said, "just open it" I unwrapped this one faster this time wanting to really see what it was. I ripped of the paper nervous yet excited at the same time I saw part of the box and tore off the rest of the rapping paper and it was an...... I PHONE! "Omg I love it I exclaimed!"  I was so excited and it made spending five minutes opening a brick worth it. I gave my brother the brick phone and in the end everyone was happy. 

1 comment:

  1. You forgot the part where you cried, also HA! The i phone nine is way better!!! Anyway your writing is great!
