Saturday, April 23, 2016

Blog About Testing (dun dun duuuun)

Fiction Writing
The Final Test 

       "Arabella!" said the lady with the long auburn hair from the office, "You're up." I hated being called by my first name and preferred Ara instead yet didn't dare say anything as I walked up to the frosted glass door, the bare white walls feeling as if they were closing around me. My hands were drenched in sweat as I put my hand on the knob, this was the final test to be selected. Everyone else wanted the opportunity I had and even though it sounds selfish, I didn't want it. They want certain characteristics for you to be entered in ICAP, the International Children's Assassin Program. They only take seven girls and seven boys to be entered in this program to become the worlds best assassins. They work for the government and protect their country, but there are also many trials to get there. I was born here at the ICAP headquarters, my parents worked here. They were assassins also, picked at age sixteen. I grew up in these walls and hardly go to the outside world. I was raised different than any one else I know because my parents died when I was three so I was raised by Darius and his wife Elora, my mother and fathers best friends. Instead of learning how to ride a bike, I learned how to hold an assault rifle, instead of playing at the park I played on the rooftops of buildings, learning how to keep my balance as to not fall,  instead of practicing the guitar, I practiced the twenty seven different ways to hack into the government's files on basically everything. I watched everyone else's life go by from the tall floor to ceiling window that took up one wall of my room. People got married, had children, and did incredible things over the years, but I was confined in these walls meant to keep the world out, but by doing that it locked us in. This job allowed you to see the outside world but not the way I wanted too. I never dared tell anyone what I really wanted to do with myself because they were so set on me getting this career. They moved me up from my age group when I was younger because I did  really well in everything. So now they expect a lot from me considering I might be the best student this program has ever seen. If you pass the tests, you go on to become an assassin but you work for the government, therefor you go on a mission and then come right back to headquarters to receive another one. Basically, the government owns you. You are never allowed to see your family again or make any new friends or get married and have kids because they will make you weak, there will be something that makes you vulnerable. Most of these kids were orphans though so to them it doesn't really matter. For me though it might be harder because of Elora and Darius and my best friend (who's and orphan) Vienna. That's why I am hoping to say no when they offer me a position. I already  know my other too tests had phenomenal results thanks to the surprised looks on the judges faces but this last one was the hardest. I passed all the tests for intelligence, fighting tactics/ weapon training, courage, selflessness, and now the ability  stay focused on tasks. This one is the hardest. The lady led me into the room and closed the door leaving me stuck with a weird looking man in his 40's wearing a lab coat. He asked me too stand on a platform and then he strapped me to all these weird looking tubes my nervousness fading into curiosity. He turned on the machine and suddenly I was in London in front of Big Ben instructions coming through my mouth piece. I had to find a man by the name of Charlie Price who was said to have stolen government files from the embassy. I found him at his home in Essex and I opened the door. What I saw was horrific. Everyone I ever cared about my parents, Elora and Darius, Vienna, and even Arsen who I haven't told anyone about in fear I will be killed were all there hanging from the ceiling dead. My knees were weak and tears sprang to my eyes. I felt broken like when you chase your siblings around the dining room table and her favorite vase falls. I felt like closing my eyes and drifting away right this very moment because what was the point when everyone I have ever loved is dead? No I told myself I have to keep going. It felt like ages but I finally got to my feet and stumbled passed the maze of bodies holding my breath. After what seemed like forever I found a small wooden door leading to the basement. I tiptoed down the stairs so he wouldn't hear me and swung up to one of the rafters. I pulled my light machine gun from my back and took a deep breath. I shot. I got an immaculate head shot and killed him in one go. I grabbed the files from the desk and ran. "Congratulations" said a voice I thought was in my head but was coming from my mouthpiece. "You passed".

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