Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Caramel Milkshakes

Caramel Milkshakes

Every time I go to Greece I live for caramel milkshakes. I wake up in the morning to everyone bustling around the house in Greece because I share it with my grandparents and my aunts and uncles and cousins. The house is big and chaotic, and you have to wait like twenty minutes to get into one of the bathrooms. Me and my cousins would wake up and all go downstairs to make cereal or oatmeal or eggs and then we would take it to the living room and watch TV while we ate. Then we would all get ready and get into the car and go to the beach or the park, or we would go shopping. After a hectic day usually at the beach, we would come back and all take showers and get dressed and walk over to the town square. It was something we did every day most families from the village would head to the town square while the sun was setting for dinner and to hang out. Most of the kids would talk or play soccer or hang out together until their parents called them over for dinner at one of the outdoor patios connected to the countless restaurants arcades and little shops surrounding the town square. My absolute FAVORITE restaurant there was called Prego and for another reason other than the amazing food. It had caramel milkshakes that were probably made in heaven. They were cold and creamy and stuck to the roof of your mouth because of all the gooey caramel and they tasted amazing and I would drink like three of them in one night and they would give me stomachaches but I would always go back for more.

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