Thursday, March 17, 2016

Field Trips

          When I was in the third grade we took a field trip to the Shed Aquarium. I woke up early that day putting on the clothes I had picked out the night before, my morale was higher then ever and got on the bus to go to school. when I got to school they told us all the rules, packed our lunches onto the bus, took attendance, and then we were on our way. This was the first field trip my mom had ever been to with me and I was super excited. We got on the bus and I sat next to her towards the front and we started our trip. Halfway there the bus stopped and someone went to the front of the bus to get the body fluids kit. apparently someone had thrown up. Who is it I asked someone, "Madison" my friend Maddy replied. The teacher with us claimed it was motion sickness, because it took awhile to get downtown from the suburbs especially on a bus so we kept going. When we got to the Shed Aquarium there were hundreds of people all crowded around waiting to get tickets. I saw people swimming with stingrays and others apprehending fish to clean out the tank and many other strange but intriguing things. We slowly started walking around the museum looking at all the sea creatures, it took us three hours but we finally got to go to lunch. My stomach hurt and I had a headache and I though it was because I hadn't eaten. So I at my chips and sandwich hoping I would feel better so that I could watch the dolphin show at the very end. But I didn't feel any better. After lunch I felt sick and my head started pounding. I felt like I had a fever because I was really cold, I tried to suck it up so I could finish the trip but I knew if I walked any longer I might throw up. My mom was coincidentally talking to the girl Madison's (my best friend's ) mom who had also volunteered on the field trip. "I think am sick." I told my mom. " How do you feel she asked?" I then explained to her the headache and nausea. My mom replied telling me she can't take me home because she had to chaperon. "You know," Madison's mom said " My husbands coming to pick up Madison, he could pick up Elina too." Grateful my mom said sure. I then went to sit next to Madison on the bench. "This isn't so bad" i told her." At least we get to miss the essays at the end of the day. " "Yeah" she said "I guess". Her dad finally came to pick us up and he drove us home. We were kind of sad that we had missed the dolphin show but glad about the essays. Field trips are important because we get to learn about different subjects and have fun at the same time.

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