Sunday, January 31, 2016


        Hi I'm Emma the alien and I want to share with you my tough experience of going to school and the challenges I face because of the way I look because of meiosis. Every day as I walk through school I see people stare and look at my pig-ish nose, big lips, and tiny feet as if I am a monster and I have to pretend that I am unfazed and that I really don't care when really their looks are really unsettling. I am bigger than all of the other kids  and they make fun of me calling me names and move out of the way as I come through afraid of me. I am actually a nice person but no one talks to me so they wouldn't know. I can't even talk to someone without them looking away because my halo shines very bright on the top of my head and they squint and look away, it isn't like people talk to me much anyways but still. I have a big mop of long curly hair that I hide behind hoping everyone won't look at my huge nose and giant lips and eyes but still they do. I hope that one day I will meet someone like myself who happened to gain some of the traits I did during meiosis from their parents that I can relate too.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Book Review

    Recently I have been reading this book that my friend recommended me. It's called the City of Bones. At first I thought it would be an ok book and that I really wouldn't be that hooked but my friend was obsessed and she told me I would love it. Well I guess my friend knows me well because I did. IT WAS AMAZING! I loved it and read it in a day. It is now one of my favorite books and I am now on the second book of the series and I can't stop reading. It's about this girl named Clary who lives with her mom but one day she comes home to find her mother missing as if she'd been kidnapped and asks the help of this boy who is a demon hunter named Jace who helps her get her  mother back. It has a lot of plot twists some of them are huge, so huge that this morning I almost cried in the middle of the hallway. I definitely recommend it for anyone and everyone because it is phenomenal. If you take this recommendation or have read it leave a comment and tell me what you thought.

Thursday, January 21, 2016


These are some of my favorite quotes because they motivate me and inspire me.The first two are by Mia Hamm one of the best women's soccer players ever who ever since the age of 10 I wanted too be exactly like. I felt it was important to have these and the very last one as my quotes because as a soccer player I have grown up experiencing these things and these quotes really mean a lot to me.I also love them because they come from my childhood hero. The third one is from my favorite book of all time that I will make all my children and grandchildren read with me when I am eighty and if you haven't read Harry Potter just go right now to nearest library and read it and tell me what you think!(I kind of already know it's amazing isn't it?)


Thursday, January 14, 2016

Creed Movie Review

  One of my favorite movies that I watched recently was Creed. Some of you may have heard of it but until recently I had not. It was a really good movie about Apollo Creeds (from the Rocky movies) son Adonis (Michael Jordan) who is trained by Rocky (Sylvester Stallone) to be one of the greatest boxers alive and create a legacy of his own just like his father. There are ups and downs and happy scenes and sad ones and ones just in between, but in the end I liked the movie a lot and if you loved Rocky you will definitely love it also. Rocky and Creed are very similar yet Creed is more updated and I think will be more appealing to younger people because I watched Rocky but it took awhile to start up and it was very old school so I definitely  think Creed is a better choice for you if you didn't like Rocky but enjoy watching boxing movies.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

New Years BLog

 Two Words I Would Like to Sum Up 2016

The two words I would like to sum up 2016 are exciting and fun.
      I think 2016 will be a good year because I will be graduating and going to high school which I am very excited for. In high school I am looking forward to making new friends, probably getting lost and playing sports. Also I am very hopeful that I will get to do a lot of exciting things over this year and I feel that this year I will do better, try harder, and try more things such as these lollipops I saw at the sugar factory that have real scorpions inside.