Friday, January 22, 2016

Book Review

    Recently I have been reading this book that my friend recommended me. It's called the City of Bones. At first I thought it would be an ok book and that I really wouldn't be that hooked but my friend was obsessed and she told me I would love it. Well I guess my friend knows me well because I did. IT WAS AMAZING! I loved it and read it in a day. It is now one of my favorite books and I am now on the second book of the series and I can't stop reading. It's about this girl named Clary who lives with her mom but one day she comes home to find her mother missing as if she'd been kidnapped and asks the help of this boy who is a demon hunter named Jace who helps her get her  mother back. It has a lot of plot twists some of them are huge, so huge that this morning I almost cried in the middle of the hallway. I definitely recommend it for anyone and everyone because it is phenomenal. If you take this recommendation or have read it leave a comment and tell me what you thought.

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